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Alberta, Canada Residence

Residential Design

The front and rear garden spaces of this Canadian residence were designed to complement the shifting planes and geometry of the architectural facade of this contemporary infill property. Trees and shrubs were selected to help define the spaces and create visual interest, privacy and screening. Plants were selected based on form, habit, flowering, foliage and fall color, hardiness and low water requirements. Trees included Emerald Spire Flowering Crab, European Mountain Ash, Brandon Elm, Weeping Blue Spruce, Brandon Cedar and Japanese Tree Lilac. Shrubs, perennials and grasses included Tiny Wine Ninebark, Sensation Lilac, Sem False Spirea, Hedge Cotoneaster, Limelight Hydrangea, Stella de Oro Daylily, Columbine, Bergenia, and Blue Oat Grass.